Building a more inclusive internet

On-demand webinar

At iFactory, we believe accessibility is a core component of successful web design.

In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Jeremy Perkins, Vice President of UX & Design and Accessibility Lead, led an engaging session on the critical importance of digital accessibility.

Watch this discussion on-demand to explore why accessibility matters, who relies upon accessible design, and how to take next steps to make your site more accessible.

Enhance your understanding of digital accessibility

Review the fundamentals

Explore key components of web accessibility and improve your understanding of who relies upon it to navigate the web every day.

Tools & techniques

Discover the variety of methods people with disabilities use to access the web and explore the unique accessibility challenges presented by each tool.

Legal considerations

Understand the legal standards that measure accessibility compliance under US and international law. 


Gain critical insights into the limitations of tools designed to measure accessibility online and explore alternative methods of assessment.

Real clients, real results

Working with Hadley, a visual impairment nonprofit, we brought to life a ground-breaking, user-centric online experience for adults with vision loss.

1 K
new members

enrolled in fiscal year 2023

1 %

in annual enrollment of new students

1 K
total members

milestone met in 2024

Great accessibility intersects with great usability, ensuring all people can understand and use content in the ways most comfortable to them.

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